
arrays – python printing each element twice

The code is giving the first output correctly but it does not work when there is the same element more than once.

I am expecting this output:

Group 1 : 60, 120
Group 2 : 30, 150
Ungrouped : 30 60

But I keep getting:

Group 1: 60, 120
Group 2: 150, 30
Group 3: 150, 30
Group 4: 60, 120
Ungrouped: [ 30 120  30  30  30   0] 

Till now I did this

def findGroups(money, fare):
  ungroup = np.zeros(len(money), dtype = int)
  for i in range(0,len(money)):
    for j in range(i+1, len(money)):
      if money[i]+money[j] == fare:
        count += 1
        print(f'Group {count}: {money[i]}, {money[j]}')
        ungroup[i] = money[j]
  print(f"Ungrouped: {ungroup} ")
money = np.array( [60, 150, 60, 30, 120, 30])
fare = 180
print(f'Task 3:')
findGroups(money, fare) # This should print

# Group 1 : 60, 120
# Group 2 : 30, 150
# Ungrouped : 30 60

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