
Apple’s Efforts in Generative AI Technology Could See Daylight at WWDC This Year With Siri Being One of The Major Candidates

Apple is testing its version of generative AI technology, which will compete against ChatGPT and Google Bard. Only a handful of services from Apple use AI currently, but we have not seen a full-fledged generative AI product. However, the company has started working on a few applications that will use the technology and will be available as soon as this year. Apple plans to showcase an improved version of Siri with generative AI technology at WWDC 2024.

Apple is again rumored to be working on generative AI technology for Siri, which could see daylight at WWDC 2024

Siri is one of the major disappointments in the Apple ecosystem, as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa have surpassed it in the digital assistance game. Siri can hardly keep up with the context and can not follow instructions as the Google Assistant. It was previously reported that Siri on the iPhone looks to improve significantly in 2024 as part of iOS 18’s new generative AI features. Apple is rumored to be heavily invested in the field, and we might see a finished service by the end of this year.

According to the account “yuex1122” on Naver, a developer details that Apple is progressing with the generative AI technology and integrating it into Siri. Gurman previously said Apple is working on the new and improved Siri, which could be showcased at the WWDC 2024 event. It is also being reported that Siri can hold natural conversations with improved personalization options.

The new Siri is reported to work across many devices, meaning the virtual assistant will retain information when you switch from your iPhone to your Mac. As mentioned, the company is heavily invested in the generative AI field, and Siri is only a part of one of its services. It is also working on a new “Apple-specific creational service” that could be linked to the Shortcuts app and its related functionalities. All the features mentioned above and changes will be part of Apple’s big iOS 18 launch later this year.

The company will use linkages to connect the forthcoming version of Siri to its existing services. The company could use an API to create a bridge or other technology. The report also mentions that some AI features could differ based on the subscription service. However, it is still a work in progress, and the company could devise a solution in the coming months. This is not the first time we hear details on Apple’s new generative AI technology integration with Siri in iOS 18. We will share more information about the subject as soon as further details are available.

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