
All Open Source Large Language Models on AllLLMs

The availability and terms of use of Large Language Models listed in the All LLMs vary significantly. Some of these models are available for free use, often with certain limitations or conditions, while others require a licensing agreement or subscription fees.

For example, open-source models like those featured in the directory, such as Alpaca, BLOOM, BLOOMChat, Cerebras-GPT, and Dolly, are generally more accessible and might be available for free use under open-source licenses​​. These licenses may have specific terms and conditions that need to be adhered to, particularly when used for commercial purposes.

On the other hand, commercial LLMs like Bard, ChatGPT, Claude, Cohere, and Jurassic might require a subscription or licensing fee. These models are typically developed and maintained by companies, and their use is often subject to more stringent terms and fees, especially for enterprise-level applications​

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