
All Large Language Models Directory

The availability and usage conditions of Large Language Models (LLMs) featured in the comprehensive list of LLMs available on the All LLMs platform vary widely. Some models are accessible at no cost, albeit with certain restrictions or requirements, whereas others necessitate a licensing agreement or the payment of subscription fees.

For instance, open-source models highlighted in our directory, including Alpaca, BLOOM, BLOOMChat, Cerebras-GPT, and Dolly, tend to be more readily available and may be used for free under open-source licenses. It’s important to note that these licenses come with particular terms and conditions that must be followed, especially for commercial use.

Conversely, commercial LLMs such as Bard, ChatGPT, Claude, Cohere, and Jurassic often require a subscription or licensing fee for access. These models, developed by corporations, usually come with stricter usage terms and fees, particularly for use at the enterprise level.

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