
[2401.06697] Quantum Machine Learning in the Cognitive Domain: Alzheimer’s Disease Study

[Submitted on 15 Sep 2023]

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Abstract:Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most prevalent neurodegenerative brain disorder, which results in significant cognitive impairments, especially in the elderly population. Cognitive impairments can manifest as a decline in various mental faculties, such as concentration, memory, and other higher-order cognitive abilities. These deficits can significantly impact an individual’s capacity to comprehend information, acquire new knowledge, and communicate effectively. One of the affected activities due to cognitive impairments is handwriting. By analyzing different aspects of handwriting, including pressure, velocity, and spatial organization, researchers can detect subtle alterations that might indicate early-stage cognitive impairments, especially AD. Recently, several classical artificial intelligence (AI) approaches have been proposed for detecting AD in elderly individuals through handwriting analysis. However, advanced AI methods require more computational power as the size of the data increases. Additionally, diagnoses can be influenced by factors such as limited relevant classical vector space and correlations between features. Recent studies have shown that using quantum computing technologies in healthcare can not only address these problems but also accelerate complex data analysis and process large datasets more efficiently. In this study, we introduced a variational quantum classifier with fewer circuit elements to facilitate the early diagnosis of AD in elderly individuals based on handwriting data. We employed ZZFeatureMap for encoding features. To classify AD, a parameterized quantum circuit consisting of repeated Ry and Rz rotation gates, as well as CY and CZ two-qubit entangling gates, was designed and implemented. The proposed model achieved an accuracy of 0.75 in classifying AD.

Submission history

From: Emine Akpinar [view email]
Fri, 15 Sep 2023 16:50:57 UTC (416 KB)

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