
Learn, Lead & Win Big with Generative AI For Business Leaders (New Course)

Over the past year, you’ve heard all about the promise, the challenges, and the risks associated with GenAI. From ChatGPT surpassing 1.7 billion users by its first birthday to tech leaders like Steve Wozniak calling for an outright pause on AI development, GenAI has been no stranger to headlines. As with any groundbreaking technology, there’s a laundry list of things that are yet to be discovered, but here’s what we do know. One, Generative AI will impact (and probably already is) your industry – we don’t want to mince words here. Two, the companies that embrace the technology by being proactive in their approach to it will have a distinct advantage over competitors that don’t. And three, the pace of GenAI innovation has been and will continue to be so rapid that nothing will be a “set-it-and-forget-it” solution. Iteration, optimization, and foresight aren’t just foundational to your success in implementing Generative AI, they’ll become the glue that holds all of it together.

But how do you actually get started in activating GenAI across your teams and business? How do you begin to capitalize on a technology that is still so new? We’ve built a course to answer that very question: Generative AI For Business Leaders. With over a year of consulting at the front lines of GenAI implementation, along with 20+ years of experience leading and advising world-class machine learning, AI, and data science teams, Udacity instructor Ed Wiley is going to teach you how you can develop and deploy end-to-end Generative AI solutions for your business.

We think there’s enough noise about GenAI out in the ether. That’s why all seven modules of this curriculum were designed to put actionable, job-ready insight at the forefront, so you can come away with less theory and more concrete plans for action. By the end of the program, you’ll have created a 100-day product roadmap to bring GenAI to life across your teams and your organization. 

The Syllabus: Here’s What You’ll Learn

Introduction to Generative AI: First, you’ll dive into the foundational knowledge needed to understand Generative AI. From contextualizing GenAI within AI, to the processes and models used in GenAI systems, its use cases, and its benefits.

How to Think about Generative AI from a Business Perspective: This module covers how to think about GenAI in terms of your company’s bottom line. You’ll learn how GenAI can improve your business, the different approaches you can take when assessing it, and its impacts and limitations.

Launching Generative AI for Your Business: Next, you’ll learn how to put GenAI into practice. You’ll identify areas of your business that could be improved, create a roadmap for GenAI projects, and identify the core components necessary for success.

Ensuring you Have the Right Human Capital for GenAI Adoption: Having the right people at your company to drive GenAI projects is essential to bringing it to life. This lesson will discuss key stakeholders, necessary roles and responsibilities, and organizational models that can be used.

Process to Ready the Business for Generative AI: This lesson will discuss key elements of a GenAI strategy, what is at the core of “responsible AI”, risk assessments for GenAI projects, and the development process for GenAI projects.

Platforms to Prepare Your Business for Generative AI: This lesson will cover the AI and ML architectures that support GenAI solutions, the specific needs of GenAI projects, the significance of data, along with various partners for each step.

Build a Generative AI Strategy with Project Roadmap: Now that you’ve completed all of the course material, it’s time to get ‘hands on’ by putting it all together in a final project. Using your newfound GenAI knowledge, you will build and create a 100-day roadmap specifically tailored for your business. The project is designed to be a mock presentation to the CEO of your company explaining your rationale and plan of action behind your GenAI strategy.

The Udacity Difference

Here at Udacity, we want to make sure our learners are equipped to tackle practical, real-world challenges when it comes to their professional lives. That attention to detail is reflected in our student experience. By enrolling in our Generative AI for Business Leaders course, you’ll gain instant access to:

  • 24/7 support from industry mentors.
  • Access to our entire catalog with a single subscription. That’s 80+ Nanodegree programs, 350+ courses, 370+ real-world projects, and 2,500+ skills in the fields that are powering the digital future.
  • Hands-on experience, and personalized feedback on all your projects from Udacity mentors.
  • Content that’s a cut above. We work hard to maintain a meticulously curated, up-to-date curriculum for our students. Our top-rated programs are co-created with industry giants like Google, Amazon, and Adobe.

Ready to Deploy GenAI Solutions in Your Business?

Generative AI is here to stay. The only question is, are you ready to start putting pen to paper and benefiting from it across your teams and organization? If you are, enroll in Generative AI for Business Leaders today!

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