
Python Multiprocessing Pool : Missing one process

I have the following code to preprocess large file of text. To accelerate the processing, I try to use multiple processes. Before launching the pool, I split my file into smaller data files, one destined to each process.

Each process take as input one data file, preprocess it and put the result into a “preprocessed” json file.


def task(task_data):
        input_file_path = "data/input/{}.tsv".format(task_data[0])
        output_file_path = "data/preprocessed_files/preprocessed_{}.json".format(task_data[0])

        with open(input_file_path, "r") as input_file:
            content = input_file.read()

        preprocessed_collection = preprocess(text_collection=content, stopwords=task_data[1].stopwords)

        with open(output_file_path, "w") as preprocessed_file:


def run():
    config = Config()


    filename_list = []
    for i in range(1, PROCESS_NB):
        filename_list.append(["data_{}".format(str(i)), config])

    pool = Pool(processes=PROCESS_NB)
    pool.map(task, filename_list)

In results, I wan’t to have 8 data files and 8 preprocessed files. But I wan’t figure out why I have 8 data files but only 7 preprocessed files. It seems like the eighth process can’t finish his job.

I tried to print when each process start and end, and also to catch possible exceptions. But only 7 processes seems to run.

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