This is my interpretation of what I was told to do.

Recommended Python modules are PIL and numpy

  1. Get the maximum X and Y coordinates from a plain black image whose dimensions can be estimated using the direct equations of Eckert IV projection. This plain black image will become the new projected map.

  2. Use pixel coordinates to get X and Y values such that the center of the image will have coordinates of (0,0).

  3. Convert the obtained X and Y coordinates of the black image into lat and longitude coordinates using inverse equation of Eckert IV map projection.

  4. Use the obtained lat and long coordinates to extract the pixel coordinates from the original world map provided which is the map image im starting with and will re-project into Eckert IV

I can’t make sense of this no matter how I hard I try. I don’t see the vision to be honest. How would I implement this?

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