
Should I Use ChatGPT to Write My Essays?

The chatbot from OpenAI was released in November 2022. Everyone was impressed by how “humanly written” the content looked. And it’s not surprising — this was due to the long and complex training process, which involved more than 8 million documents, including articles from Wikipedia, blogs, scientific materials and books. 

ChatGPT answers user questions by collecting information from its database. Yet, even though its possibilities are enormous, here’s a practical question: is it suitable for writing school papers?

For example, students still rely on essay writing services when they deal with complex papers. Therefore, what are the strengths and weaknesses of ChatGPT? Let’s figure it out together.

Reasons Why ChatGPT Is Weak for School Assignments

At the moment, the bot is the most advanced AI available to ordinary users. However, it is associated with a number of problems that you need to be aware of. So, can I use Chat GPT for essays?

  • ChatGPT can create pieces about almost anything, but sometimes they turn out to be boring. For example, it uses patterns and clichés, which can lack originality. 
  • Grammar mistakes cause inconveniences. If you want to use generated text, you need to proofread it carefully.
  • Another huge problem is factual errors. If you use СhatGPT for essays, the tool can generate disinformation if trained on wrong or insufficient data. 
  • It can generate unreliable information. You always need to double-check all the content.
  • The generated text may look superficial and not authentic. Your teachers and professors will notice it immediately. 
  • You can use Сhat GPT for essays, but it won’t give you the most relevant info. For example, it won’t tell about a new gadget immediately after its presentation.
  • Why is ChatGPT bad for education? It can’t reproduce a student’s writing style and convey personal experiences. Even if you provide a detailed prompt, the result is unlikely to be true to your point of view. 
  • Structural and word repetitions are common. Typically, the tool generates similar results. 
  • Chat responses may not reveal the essence of the topic of your essay. Sometimes, this is enough for descriptions of goods or simple services, but it’s not suitable for school assignments. 
  • Chat GPT for writing doesn’t cite sources. The statistics provided by the chat most likely won’t be linked to a specific study, so you will still have to search for the same data on the internet for explanations.

What Is ChatGPT Useful For?

There is a huge amount of data stored in the “mind” of ChatGPT, and you can use it as inspiration for your work. To use Chat GPT for essay writing, ask it to give you ideas for creating different content.

For example, prompt it to come up with a topic for an article or its outline. Most likely, the ideas you receive will require changes, but they will be a good starting point for something bigger.

One of the best features of Chat GPT is its text translation. The quality of it is quite good. In addition, you can ask to improve the translation if there’s something you don’t like – the bot will offer new versions of the text and try to enhance it. We recommend translating text into small parts, literally paragraph by paragraph, so it will be easier to check. Let’s summarize:

  • The tool helps with paraphrasing and style adjustments;
  • Can Chat GPT edit essays? Yes;
  • It can translate from dozens of languages. ChatGPT translates articles, speeches and reports;
  • It’s a good tool for brainstorming ideas on any topic;
  • AI for writing essays summarizes articles, podcasts, and other materials.
Should I Use ChatGPT to Write My Essays?

Tips for Getting the Most Out of ChatGPT

How to use ChatGPT for homework?

  • Formulate your question or request clearly and consistently so that the service doesn’t generate unnecessary information. Indicate what words you want to avoid, what style the text should be written in and what its volume is. 
  • Use artificial intelligence only for initial brainstorming. This is because real academic work requires true value, unique perspectives, and integrity.
  • Don’t share confidential information with ChatGPT for writing essays. All dialogues are transferred to the ChatGPT database for analysis and improvement of the quality of content.
  • You can trust the program only if you can check the result and correct factual errors.
  • If you decide to use the chatbot to write a large article, then keep in mind that the narrower and more precise the request, the more useful information the tool will provide.

To Wrap It Up

Is ChatGPT good for writing essays? Unfortunately, now AI can’t be proud of completing school tasks on a good level. The texts are full of plagiarism and repetition; and yes, modern tools quickly detect the use of AI, which can lead to problems, including expulsion from school.

Chat GPT can complete simple tasks for you if you need to outline your essay or translate something. However, writing profound essays isn’t a strong suit. In general, it is better to write essays by yourself or turn to experienced writers if you need help.

Use AI in a responsible way. While it can help you finish some tasks more quickly, it surely won’t study for you. 

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