
Which is easy to learn between Rust or Python? – help

Hello, @everyone!

I want to be a Data scientist, please help me to know which programming language should I learn Rust or Python and which programming language is easy to learn.

Thanks in advance!

If you don’t know any programming yet, definetly pick up python. It is way easier and the ecosystem and tutorials for datascience and learning python are vast. Also, from personal experience, I can say it is a fun first language to learn.


Thank you @SebastianJL, Please let me know where should I learn Python. How much time will it take to learn?

You have two questions there:

  1. Is it easier to learn Rust or Python?

I’m pretty sure that if you have never programmed before Python would be easier to get started with. Especially since there are so many beginners tutorials and such out there.

If you have programming experience and don’t know Python it will take little time to get into but Rust is far more interesting.

  1. What language to learn to get into Data Science.

In the data science world they use languages like Python, R, Julia, Scala and SQL. I suspect there are some pioneers trying Rust in that world but as you are a beginner that is likely not for you. And again pretty much all tutorials and course will be using Python or whatever and not Rust.

My understanding is that data scientists tend to have advanced degree in statistics, data science, computer science or mathematics. Often masters degrees. I suspect that once you have those qualifications under your belt you will not need to ask what language to use.

Meanwhile a google search for “beginners python tutorial” will turn up thousands of interesting starter materials. Apparently a beginner can pick up Python in 1 hour:

That’s not long so you have time to look into Rust as well afterwards:

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Regardless of the job, if possible, I do coding interviews in Python. I too really like Python.

This was the last site I used. I don’t know how appropriate it is for a Data Scientist or for someone new to Python but the exercises are entertaining…


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