
Python Program to Load JSON Data from File – TecAdmin

In programming, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a popular way to share data. It’s simple and flexible, making it a top choice for things like web services and setting up programs. Python, known for its comprehensive set of tools and straightforward language, works really well with JSON. This guide will show you how to easily work with JSON data in Python, helping you manage data more smoothly and effectively.

Python Program to Load JSON File

Below is a concise example program demonstrating how to load JSON data from a file in Python, followed by a detailed explanation of each part of the program.

import json

# Path to the JSON file

# Load JSON data from the file
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
    data = json.load(file)

# Display the loaded data

# Example of accessing a specific data element
# Uncomment the following line and replace 'key' with a valid key from your JSON file
# print(data['key'])

Program Details

  1. Import JSON Module: The program starts by importing Python’s built-in json module, which provides the functionality for encoding and decoding JSON data.
    import json
  2. Define the JSON File Path: A variable file_path is defined to hold the path to the JSON file we intend to load. Replace ‘example_data.json’ with the path to your actual JSON file.
  3. Open the JSON File: The with statement is used to open the file in read mode (‘r’). This approach ensures that the file is properly closed after its contents have been read, even if an error occurs during the file operation.
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
  4. Load JSON Data: Inside the with block, the json.load(file) function is called to parse the JSON data from the file directly into a Python object (typically a dictionary or a list, depending on the structure of the JSON data). The parsed data is then assigned to the variable data.
    data = json.load(file)
  5. Display the Loaded Data: The loaded JSON data is printed to the console, allowing us to verify that it has been loaded successfully.
  6. Access Specific Data Element: The last part of the program (commented out) demonstrates how to access a specific element within the loaded JSON data. By specifying a key (‘key’), you can retrieve the corresponding value. This line should be uncommented and modified to fit the structure of your JSON data.
    # print(data['key'])

Usage Notes

  • Replace ‘example_data.json’ with the actual path to your JSON file.
  • If your JSON file contains an array at the top level, data will be a Python list after loading. You can iterate over this list or access its elements by index.
  • If your JSON data is an object (i.e., a set of key-value pairs), data will be a Python dictionary after loading. You can access its values by their keys.

This program provides a straightforward example of how to load and work with JSON data in Python, making it easy to integrate JSON data handling into your projects.


Loading JSON data in Python is a straightforward process, thanks to the built-in json module. By following these simple steps, you can effortlessly read, parse, and work with JSON data, making it a powerful tool in your Python programming arsenal. Whether you’re dealing with configuration files, consuming a web API, or managing application settings, Python and JSON together offer a robust solution for handling data efficiently and effectively.

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