
人生在世,看得透,又看得远者prevail everywhere.: AutoGPT -一个自主的人工智能

AutoGPT 11 是一个基于「GPT-4」的开源 Python 程序,它可以「自主」实现并完成用户设定的目标任务

截止目前,AutoGPT 在 GitHub 的星标已经超过了 44.5k

①推特博主 @Sully 2 要求它使用 React 生成一个网站,并指定了页面标题和简单元素
然后,Auto GPT 在无人类干预的情况下,用三分钟便用 React 和 Tailwind CSS 完成了

②推特博主 @Michael Anti 对让它扮演华为公关,分析最近的国际报道,看看下一步要改善的动作
结果是 Auto GPT 自己去搜索分析了很多新闻,然后在无人工干预的情况写生成了一篇报告

与 ChatGPT 的区别

与使用 ChatGPT 使用方式不同的是,你只需要输入前置任务描述,AutoGPT 便会开始自己自主行动


所以总结 Auto GPT 不是简单地要求 ChatGPT 生成某个东西,而是让多个 AI 代理协同工作


安装步骤比较繁琐,所以还请各位看官 Google 一下,不过好消息是你可以使用 web 平替版本 – AgentGPT
注意:AutoGPT 免费版里有 18 美元的额度,但是相信很快就会消耗完

Auto GPT 的运行成本相当高,作者建议用户使用 OpenAI 设置和监控 API 密钥限制

AgentGPT 同样也需要 OpenAI keys

自主能力如此强大的 AI 的出现,让人感叹「奇点将至」!




(https://agentgpt.reworkd.ai/zh,AgentGPT 让您能够通过浏览器配置和运行自主的AI代理。命名您的定制AI代理并定义其目标。AI代理通过创建任务,执行任务,然后评估其结果来尝试实现指定的目标。

要了解有关 AgentGPT、其路线图、常见问题解答等的更多信息,请访问AgentGPT 的文档




Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agent(s) in your browser. 🤖

Node version

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📚 Docs
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📢 Discord

AgentGPT allows you to configure and deploy Autonomous AI agents.
Name your own custom AI and have it embark on any goal imaginable.
It will attempt to reach the goal by thinking of tasks to do, executing them, and learning from the results 🚀.

✨ Demo

For the best demo experience, try our site directly 🙂


👨‍🚀 Getting Started

The easiest way to get started with AgentGPT is automatic setup CLI bundled with the project.
The cli sets up the following for AgentGPT:

Prerequisites ☝️

Before you get started, please make sure you have the following installed:

Getting Started 🚀

  1. Open your editor

  2. Open the Terminal – Typically, you can do this from a ‘Terminal’ tab or by using a shortcut
    (e.g., Ctrl + ~ for Windows or Control + ~ for Mac in VS Code).

  3. Clone the Repository and Navigate into the Directory – Once your terminal is open, you can clone the repository and move into the directory by running the commands below.

    For Mac/Linux users 🍎 🐧

    git clone https://github.com/reworkd/AgentGPT.git
    cd AgentGPT

For Windows users :windows:

git clone https://github.com/reworkd/AgentGPT.git
cd AgentGPT
  1. Follow the setup instructions from the script – add the appropriate API keys, and once all of the services are running, travel to http://localhost:3000 on your web-browser.

Happy hacking! 🎉

🎉 Roadmap

This platform is currently in beta, a full list of completed and planed features can be found on
our public roadmap.

🚀 Tech Stack

from https://github.com/reworkd/AgentGPT)




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