
[2401.09130] Machine Learning for Prediction of Unitarity and Bounded from Below Constraints

[Submitted on 17 Jan 2024]

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Abstract:The machine learning (ML) techniques to predict unitarity (UNI) and bounded from below (BFB) constraints in multi-scalar models is employed. The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated by applying it to the two and three Higgs doublet models, as well as the left-right model. By employing suitable neural network architectures, learning algorithms, and carefully curated training datasets, a significantly high level of predictivity is achieved. Machine learning offers a distinct advantage by enabling faster calculations compared to alternative numerical methods, such as scalar potential minimization. This research investigates the feasibility of utilizing machine learning techniques as an alternative for predicting these constraints, offering potential improvements over traditional numerical calculations.

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From: Darius Jurciukonis [view email]
Wed, 17 Jan 2024 11:06:30 UTC (1,039 KB)

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