
[2401.05282] The Rise of Data-Driven Microscopy powered by Machine Learning

[Submitted on 10 Jan 2024]

Download a PDF of the paper titled The Rise of Data-Driven Microscopy powered by Machine Learning, by Leonor Morgado and 2 other authors

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Abstract:Optical microscopy is an indispensable tool in life sciences research, but conventional techniques require compromises between imaging parameters like speed, resolution, field-of-view, and phototoxicity. To overcome these limitations, data-driven microscopes incorporate feedback loops between data acquisition and analysis. This review overviews how machine learning enables automated image analysis to optimise microscopy in real-time. We first introduce key data-driven microscopy concepts and machine learning methods relevant to microscopy image analysis. Subsequently, we highlight pioneering works and recent advances in integrating machine learning into microscopy acquisition workflows, including optimising illumination, switching modalities and acquisition rates, and triggering targeted experiments. We then discuss the remaining challenges and future outlook. Overall, intelligent microscopes that can sense, analyse, and adapt promise to transform optical imaging by opening new experimental possibilities.

Submission history

From: Ricardo Henriques Prof [view email]
Wed, 10 Jan 2024 17:28:17 UTC (5,221 KB)

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