
[2308.14120] Large Language Models Streamline Automated Machine Learning for Clinical Studies

Download a PDF of the paper titled Large Language Models Streamline Automated Machine Learning for Clinical Studies, by Soroosh Tayebi Arasteh and 6 other authors

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Abstract:A knowledge gap persists between machine learning (ML) developers (e.g., data scientists) and practitioners (e.g., clinicians), hampering the full utilization of ML for clinical data analysis. We investigated the potential of the ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis (ADA), an extension of GPT-4, to bridge this gap and perform ML analyses efficiently. Real-world clinical datasets and study details from large trials across various medical specialties were presented to ChatGPT ADA without specific guidance. ChatGPT ADA autonomously developed state-of-the-art ML models based on the original study’s training data to predict clinical outcomes such as cancer development, cancer progression, disease complications, or biomarkers such as pathogenic gene sequences. Following the re-implementation and optimization of the published models, the head-to-head comparison of the ChatGPT ADA-crafted ML models and their respective manually crafted counterparts revealed no significant differences in traditional performance metrics (P>0.071). Strikingly, the ChatGPT ADA-crafted ML models often outperformed their counterparts. In conclusion, ChatGPT ADA offers a promising avenue to democratize ML in medicine by simplifying complex data analyses, yet should enhance, not replace, specialized training and resources, to promote broader applications in medical research and practice.

Submission history

From: Soroosh Tayebi Arasteh [view email]
Sun, 27 Aug 2023 14:28:38 UTC (749 KB)
Tue, 29 Aug 2023 17:52:02 UTC (750 KB)
Mon, 9 Oct 2023 18:01:12 UTC (1,622 KB)
Wed, 7 Feb 2024 20:07:50 UTC (1,340 KB)

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