
1st Workshop on ”The Impact of Large Language Models on 6G Networks”

Dear Colleagues,

We cordially invite you to submit your paper to the 1st Workshop on “The Impact of Large Language Models on 6G Networks,” LLMoNET 2024 (https://sites.google.com/view/llmonet-2024/home), held in conjunction with the IEEE ICC 2024 (https://icc2024.ieee-icc.org/).

Invited Speakers:
•Merouane Debbah, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, UAE
•Azimeh Sefidcon, Nokia Bell Labs, Sweden
•Zhi-Quan (Tom) Luo, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
•Xingqin Lin, NVIDIA, USA
•John Strassner, Futurewei Technologies, Inc., USA
•Wen Tong, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

Important Dates:
Workshop Papers Due: 4th of February 2024
Acceptance Notification: 6 March 2024
Final Camera Ready: 15 March 2024
Accepted Author Registration Deadline: 15 March 2024

Submission link: https://edas.info/N31795

Scope and Motivation:
Large language models (LLMs) have spearheaded a new era marked by sophisticated text generation, advanced comprehension, and dynamic interaction. The profound linguistic comprehension capabilities of LLMs have reverberated across an array of domains, transcending traditional NLP applications such as machine translation and sentiment analysis.

While LLMs have undeniably demonstrated their prowess across diverse sectors, their integration into the telecommunications industry has been somewhat limited. However, this landscape is undergoing a gradual metamorphosis as researchers delve deeper into the potential of LLMs within this domain. A visionary perspective envisions a future where LLMs could play a significant role in advancing communication network technologies. This conceptual landscape harnesses the fusion of textual and visual data, with domain knowledge, enabling LLMs to potentially elevate network functionalities. Given its promising applications, a fundamental query emerges regarding the immediate and future impact of LLMs on the telecommunications industry.

With this workshop, our objective is to address this inquiry by offering a comprehensive overview of LLMs and their potential influence on the telecom industry. This gathering will unite academic scholars, industry professionals, and pioneering minds engaged in this evolving field of research, fostering the exchange of novel concepts, cutting-edge discoveries, and advancements at the forefront of knowledge.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
•Foundations of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Wireless Communications
•Language Understanding and Generation for Wireless Networks
•Domain-Specific Adaptation of LLMs in Wireless Systems
•LLM explanaibility and assessment in Wireless Systems
•Telecom domain datasets for LLMs
•LLMs for Spectrum Management and Resource Allocation
•Network Anomaly Detection and Security with LLMs
•Beamforming and Localization with LLMs
•LLMs for Network Management and Optimization
•Ethical and Social Considerations of LLMs in Wireless Communications
•LLM energy consumption and potential savings for Wireless Communications
•Interdisciplinary Collaborations: LLMs and Wireless Technology Experts
•Real-world Implementations and Case Studies
•Future Trends and Industry Impact

Workshop Co-Chairs:
•David López-Pérez, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
•Antonio de Domenico, Huawei Technologies, France
•Nicola Piovesan, Huawei Technologies, France
•Merouane Debbah, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, UAE

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