
10 Tried and Tested Generative AI Prompts for CS Agents

This article presents 10 Generative AI prompts tested and refined to improve customer service effectiveness excerpted from our eBook, 51 Tried and Tested Generative AI Prompts for Customer Service Agents.

With Generative AI, agents can rapidly generate personalized, context-aware responses across various service scenarios. The prompts range from resolving common issues to managing complex concerns, designed for ease of use and relevance.

In this eBook, customer service agents will find 51 prompts to provide:

  • A framework for consistent, on-brand communication
  • Strategies for addressing customer needs promptly and accurately
  • Tactics for effectively introducing promotions or policy updates
  • Guidance for technical support and explanations in simplistic terms
  • Ways to maintain customer trust amidst organizational changes

The inclusion of guidance to personalize prompts will enable agents to customize and contextualize their interactions, ensuring high-quality service tailored to individual customer needs. Agents at all levels can apply these prompts to their Generative AI solution right now to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Please note that AI prompts are based on your content, which may lead to possible answers that don’t align. Make sure you review your responses in detail before sending them to any customer. And always follow your company’s standard operating procedures, including escalating issues when necessary.

Happy prompting!

1. Crafting a Polite Upsell Suggestion After Solving an Inquiry

I have just resolved a customer’s issue with their current subscription service. Draft a message that thanks them for their loyalty, recaps the solution provided, and gently suggests an upgrade to a premium package that would prevent such issues in the future, highlighting the benefits.

Add to personalize the output:

  • Solution provided
  • Bulleted list of benefits of the premium package

2. Handling a Delayed Shipping Complaint

A customer is upset about a delayed delivery of their order. Generate a response that acknowledges the inconvenience, explains the cause of the delay, provides a new expected delivery date, and offers a token of apology for the trouble caused.

Add to personalize the output:

  • Details about the cause of delay
  • New expected delivery date

3. Providing Instructions for a Product Recall

We need to inform our customers about a product recall. Compose a clear and concise message that explains the recall issue, lists the steps for returning the product safely, and assures customers about the measures taken to ensure their satisfaction and well-being.

Add to personalize the output:

  • Product recall notice. You can find published recall notices at cpsc.gov/Recalls

4. Explaining Terms and Conditions in Simple Terms

A customer is confused by our service’s terms and conditions. Create an easy-to-understand explanation that clarifies the key points, emphasizing their rights and responsibilities, and keeping the tone friendly and helpful.

Add to personalize the output:

  • Company terms and conditions

5. Composing a Welcome Message for New Customers

Craft a warm and engaging welcome message for new customers that introduces our company values, highlights key support channels, and encourages them to engage with our community resources.

Add to personalize the output:

  • List of company values
  • Ways customers can get support
  • Community resource list

6. Responding to a Positive Review or Testimonial

A customer has left a glowing review of our product. Draft a thankful and personal response that expresses gratitude, highlights their praise, and invites them to share their experience with others.

Add to personalize the output:

7. Addressing Billing Discrepancies or Incorrect Charges

A customer has discovered a billing error on their account. Generate a message that acknowledges the mistake, outlines the steps to correct it, reassures the customer about the refund process, and ensures such errors are prevented in the future.

Add to personalize the output:

  • Details about the mistake
  • Steps to correct the error
  • Company refund process

8. Guide for First-Time Use of a Product or Service

Create an inviting step-by-step guide for first-time users of our [Product/Service], detailing how to get started, offering tips for optimizing their experience, and providing resources for further support.

Add to personalize the output:

  • Text from a customer onboarding guide
  • Contact information for additional support

9. Resolving Common Misunderstandings About a Service Offer

We’ve noticed customers frequently misunderstand a feature of our service. Write up an explanation that clarifies this feature, uses examples to illustrate its benefits, and invites customers to contact us if they have further questions.

Add to personalize the output:

  • What is the feature and how does it work
  • Contact information for additional support

10. Announcing a Feature Update or New Service Addition

We are releasing a new feature update. Compose an announcement that describes the new feature, explains its advantages, how users can access it, and encourages feedback on their experience with the update.

Add to personalize the output:

  • Define the feature
  • Bulleted list of feature benefits
  • Bulleted list of ways users can access the feature
  • Contact information for additional support

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