
#0003: (CCT) Incorporating Large Language Models (LLMs) in the Legal Arena

In this podcast interview, the speaker will share experiences and challenges in utilizing Large Language Models in the legal arena. 


Questions the moderator asked the speaker:
-What are some of the key challenges that legal departments face in adopting and integrating LLMs into their workflows?  
-How can legal departments overcome the initial resistance or skepticism that may exist towards using LLMs? 
-How can legal departments ensure that LLMs are being used responsibly and ethically, without perpetuating biases or producing inaccurate or misleading results?  

-How can legal departments train and empower their lawyers to use LLMs effectively? 
-How can LLMs be used to augment and complement the skills and expertise of lawyers, rather than replace them? 
-What are the potential long-term benefits of using LLMs in legal departments? 

-What are the challenges of integrating LLMs with existing legal software and systems? 
-Provide examples of specific use cases (e.g., information governance, contract management review and drafting, eDiscovery, and/or R&C) 
-How can legal departments ensure that LLMs are aligned with security and privacy and regulatory compliance? 
What are the challenges of evaluating and selecting the right LLM for a specific legal task? 
How can legal departments ensure that LLMs are being used in a way that is aligned with their overall legal strategy? 





@Chistine Livingston – Managing Director of AI and IOT, Protiviti

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